Hope, help, & a little bit of humor when you need it.
Frequently Asked Questions and Practice Policy Information
How do I get started?
Once we have communicated and set up an initial appointment time, I will send you a link to my online portal. There you will find all the forms you need in order to get started. I will also text you a link from IvyPay, which is my HIPAA-secure, online credit card processing system. You will be asked to put a card on file and pay for the first session in advance. After that, any further sessions will be automatically charged to your card. You will always receive a text notification of charges, That way, if you have any questions, you will know right away and be able to contact me.​
What are the costs?
Fees and insurance: Fees are currently $255 for a regular 50-55-minute online therapy session. The fee for group sessions is $55 for 60 minutes.
Are there ever additional fees?
There are sometimes additional fees, for example, if you ask me to communicate with another professional on your behalf or ask me to write a letter or report or if you need a phone call or email response that takes longer than a few minutes for me to respond. I bill these fees in tenths of an hour.
What about health insurance?
I do not work with any insurance companies and am no longer on provider lists. Many of my clients have out-of-network benefits, and I can provide a superbill-type receipt that clients can submit to insurance to try to recoup some of their costs in therapy. While I am not a Medicare provider, you can still see me if you are willing to pay for the sessions yourself. If you are on Medicaid, however, I cannot see you, even if you pay out of pocket. You must use a Medicaid provider if you have this coverage.
Do you Accept Medicare or Medicaid?
This practice is currently opted out of Medicare. You may pay out of pocket for services if you have Medicare, and would still like to work with Dr. Camdenm but you will not be reimbursed by Medicare.
This practice is not in-network with Medicaid and Medicaid does not allow subscribers to see Out-of-Network providers. If you have Medicaid, please contact your plan to find In-Network providers.
What is the No Surprise Billing and Good Faith Estimate Rule?
If you are a therapy or counseling client, you have a right under the No Surprises Act to an estimate of the total cost of your services. This information is provided in the opening forms you will complete. Please note that this estimate is for your information only. You are never obligated to complete more therapy or counseling services than you wish. I do not pre-sell “bundles” or “packages,” and you only pay for the therapy services you choose. If you would like a written Estimate of Services or if you have any questions at all about costs and billing, please let Dr. Camden know. ​​
Do you charge cancellation and missed appointment fees?
Yes, I ask that you provide 24 hours notice of a cancellation during the work week and 48 hours notice on Saturday or Sunday to avoid being billed the cost of the session. If I am able to fill your spot with another client, you will not be charged the late cancellation fee.
Do you see children?
I saw children in my counseling and therapy practice for many years and spent a lot of time counseling and coaching their parents as well. My experience tells me children are best seen in person, and that is a service I no longer offer.
​So, a little bit sadly, I no longer see kids, much as I love them. I do write books for children that you can find here on this website or at camdenbookshop.com.
​Why don't you like clients to text?
Your privacy and confidentiality are important, both to you and to me. If you send an email to my confidential client email address, which I will provide for you once we get started, your message is encrypted end-to-end and is in compliance with HIPAA regulations. Text messages on cell phones are not privacy-protected in this way. So it's safest for you to email.